I'm Here is short film written and directed by Spike Jonze. This film takes place in LA in a time where both human and robots live. When two robots named Sheldon and Francesca meet they imminently fall for each other. Francesca is a bit out going and when one day she take Sheldon to a concert to see her favorite band she looses an arm in the crowd. Sheldon's love for her is so big that he unscrewed his arm and gave it to Francesca. The day after she falls and looses a leg and once again he gives her his. Towards the end Francesca seems to have gotten in an accident in which her whole body isn't working anymore. Sheldon let's the doctors take his body off of him and put it on her. At the end of the film, Francesca leave the hospital with Sheldon's head in her hands and you see in face how happy he is to see that his lover is okay.
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